For Microsoft WindowsSupport Apps
Remote Support App
This tool may be used for remotely sharing your Windows desktop with Skyway Networks support for troubleshooting purposes. It should only be downloaded upon request of Skyway Networks support.
> DownloadConferencing App
This tool enables your Windows desktop to join a Skyway Networks hosted online conference. A conference ID and password will need to be provided by Skyway Networks to use this app.
> DownloadZimbra AppsZimbra Connector for Outlook
This add-in for Microsoft Outlook enables synchronization of your email, contacts, calendars, tasks, and preferences with your phone, tablet, or other computers. To use this add-in, you must be using the Platinum service plan and a minimum of Outlook version 2013 or newer. Customers frequently use the 64-bit version of this add-in.
> Download 64-bit or Download 32-bitZimbra Migration Wizard
This tool provides an automated means to import your existing email, contacts, calendars, and tasks within Outlook, from another service provider, to your Skyway Networks email account. Customers frequently use the 64-bit version of this app. Please refer to this step-by-step guide for using this app.
> Download 64-bit or Download 32-bit -
For MacOSSupport Apps
Remote Support App
This tool may be used for remotely sharing your Mac desktop with Skyway Networks support for troubleshooting purposes. It should only be downloaded upon request of Skyway Networks support.
> DownloadConferencing App
This tool enables your Mac desktop to join a Skyway Networks hosted online conference. A conference ID and password will need to be provided by Skyway Networks to use this app.
> Download